Britannia - Wikipedia › wiki › BritanniaBritannia (/ b r ɪ ˈ t æ n i ə /) is the national personification of Britain as a helmeted female warrior holding a trident and shield. An image first used in classical antiquity, the Latin Britannia was the name variously applied to the British Isles, Great Britain, and the Roman province of Britain during the Roman Empire.
Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta – Wikipedia ja Pohjois-Irlannin yhdistynyt kuningaskunta (engl. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, kuuntele ääntämys ), virallisesti myös Iso-Britannia ja Pohjois-Irlanti tai Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta, on saarivaltio Pohjois-Euroopassa. Se muodostuu Englannista, Skotlannista ja Walesista, jotka sijaitsevat Ison-Britannian saarella, sekä Irlannin saarella sijaitsevasta Pohjois-Irl…
Britannia - Wikipedia is the national personification of Britain as a helmeted female warrior holding a trident and shield. An image first used in classical antiquity, the Latin Britannia was the name variously applied to the British Isles, Great Britain, and the Roman province of Britain during the Roman Empire. Typically depicted reclining or seated with spear and shield since appearing thus on Roman coin…
Watch Britannia | Prime Video › Britannia › dpThe Celts of 43AD Britannia are a divided and warring group of tribes. But all tribal disputes are sidetracked with the arrival of General Aulus Plautius leading his army of Roman invaders. The invasion is only foreseen by rogue Druid Divis, where on his secret mission to overthrow the Romans, he finds an unlikely ally in a young Celt girl, Cait.
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