ThermoScan - Manuals+ › wp-content › uploadsThe Braun ThermoScan®thermometer is a clinical grade ear thermometer indicated for the intermittent measurement of human body temperature in patients of all ages in a professional use environment. Please read all instructions carefully and thoroughly before using this product. 5.1 How does Braun ThermoScan work?
Braun ThermoScan 7+ connect - Braun Healthcare › us_en › braun-thermoscan-7Braun ThermoScan® 7+ connect digital thermometer delivers accurate, reliable temperature results in just seconds, for the whole family. It can be paired with the Braun Family Care™ app or used on its own. Bluetooth enabled to pair with Braun Family Care™ app Unique, pre-warmed tip Soft light & silent mode for night time use Download the Braun Family Care™ Smartphone app.* * App only ...