Bistro Intola | › fi › manttaOpetusravintola Bistro IntolaRavintola Bistro Intola on tunnelmallinen pop up -ravintola, joka tarjoaa herkullisia, eri teemoin vaihtuvia lounasmenuja sesonkien mukaan. Oppilastyönä valmistuvat niin maittavat noutopöytälounaat kuin á la carte annokset. Bistro Intola palvelee pääsääntöisesti keskiviikkoisin ja torstaisin klo 10.45 – 12.00. Kokouslounaat, kahvitukset sekä illalliset ...
Bistro Na's | Najia Restaurant Group | Imperial Chinese Cuisine
www.bistronas.comIn Bistro Na’s, diners will embark on a stunning journey to the heart of Imperial Chinese culinary experience. Crowned as the pinnacle of culinary art and aesthetics among other Chinese cuisines, Manchu dishes appeal to both eye and palate. Bistro Na’s menu boasts an extensive list of imperial court food from the Qing Dynasty.
Bistro Nota | Bistro Bus | Restaurant
bistronota.comAbout our Restaurant. Bistro Nota is a locally minded, locally owned, restaurant located at 620 South Calhoun Street in Downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana (adjacent to the Landing and across the street from the Rousseau Centre). We serve some of the best brunch, dinners and desserts in Fort Wayne. We’re a true bistro with Cam and Jake cooking for ...