Products - Bioretec Ltd. › productsBioretec’s upcoming bioresorbable metal implants. RemeOs™ implants are based on naturally occurring essential elements in the human body: magnesium, zinc and calcium. Implants do not contain any rare-earth elements typical for current commercial Mg-based products. Read more
In English - Bioretec Ltd. › investorsBioretec Ltd is a medical device company focusing on the development of strong, safe and reliable bioresorbable implants for pediatric and adult orthopedics. The company develops, manufactures and commercializes innovative bioresorbable orthopedic implants and materials for bone and soft tissue injuries.
Inderes Oyj · Inderes Oyj pyrkii keräämään noin 5,7 miljoonan euron bruttovarat tarjoamalla merkittäväksi alustavasti enintään 236 303 uutta osaketta. Listautumisanti koostuu: yleisöannista Inderes-yhteisön jäsenille Suomessa ja. henkilöstöannista yhtiön ja …
Bioretec: Bioabsorbable Implants for Orthopaedics ...
https://bioretec.comBioretec: Bioabsorbable Implants for Orthopaedics - Bioretec Ltd. Series of solutions Bioretec’s Activa-series and RemeOs™ series provide a comprehensive variation of implants that degenerate in the body without harm. Our Activa series implants offer a metal-free solution to enhance bone healing.
Bioretec: Bioabsorbable Implants for Orthopaedics - Bioretec Ltd.
bioretec.comBioretec Ltd. is a medical device company focusing on the development of strong, safe and reliable bioabsorbable and bioresorbable implants for pediatric and adult orthopaedics. Our products are used worldwide, and we continue to further develop materials and products for high load-bearing clinical applications.