Thai Restaurant | Bangkok 9 Thai Cuisine | Sonoma
www.bangkok9thaicuisine.comOrder Online. Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand, has been long known for the heaven of a diner where there are varieties of choices of Thai food from any part of the country including international food from all over the food or even street food that are ready to be severed days and nights. Bangkok 9 Thai Cuisine is proud to be as a small ...
Mall of Tripla, Pasila - Lounaslistat › lounaslistatLounasaika: 10:30-14.00. LOUNAS TARJOLLA MA-PE 10.30-14.00. Lounaaseen sisältyy salaattibuffet, vesi sekä kahvi/tee. Lounasaikaan Panchon Burgerit 11,50 € Jättinä 13,50 (juusto, pekoni, chili, valkosipuli, kana, kasvis tai vege) Viikon grillilounas 14,90€: Kanan rintafilee 160g, Juustokastike, grillikasviksilla ja valitsemillasi ...