Baltic Princess - Tallink & Silja Line › fleet › cruise-vesselsA cruise ship for the whole family! Departure every evening from Turku to Stockholm at 20:15. Departure every morning from Stockholm to Turku at 07:10. One of the newest cruise ships on the Baltic Sea. New Grande Buffet & Fast Lane restaurants. Renewed Fashion Street shop. New Siljaland playroom for children. Live entertainment every day - read ...
MS Baltic Princess - Wikipedia › wiki › MS_Baltic_PrincessMS Baltic Princess is a cruiseliner owned by the Estonia-based ferry operator Tallink and operated under their Silja Line brand. She was built by Aker Finnyards Helsinki New Shipyard in Helsinki, Finland in 2008. The ship began service on the cruise route between Helsinki, Finland to Tallinn, Estonia on 17 August 2008.
Baltic Princess - Tallink & Silja Line › baltic-princessBaltic Princess Matkustus 23 h -risteilyille Turusta on sallittua eikä matkan jälkeen tarvitse jäädä omaehtoiseen karanteeniin. Laivalla on paljon viihdettä, mm. live-musiikkia sekä viikonloppuisin, joulun jälkeisinä välipäivinä ja talvilomalla Harri Hylje sekä Muumi seikkailemassa.