Baileys Irish Cream - Wikipedia › wiki › Baileys_Irish_CreamBaileys Irish Cream is an Irish cream liqueur, an alcoholic drink flavoured with cream, cocoa and Irish whiskey. It is made by Diageo at Nangor Road, in Dublin, Ireland and in Mallusk, Northern Ireland. It is the original Irish cream, invented by a team headed by Tom Jago in 1971 for Gilbeys of Ireland; Diageo currently owns the trademark.
Bailey Baio - IMDb › name › nm3331812Agent info. Bailey DeLuca Baio (DeLuca, named after her late Grandmother, Rose DeLuca - Baio) is the daughter of actor Scott Baio . "BB" is her nickname. Her twin passed away at 17 weeks gestation. Her favorite things are Golf, Skiing, Krav Maga, Ballet, & Musical Theatre. Golf is her passion. She has had golf sponsors since age 8.