Bacillus cereus – Wikipedia cereus on grampositiivinen bakteeri.Se on betahemolyyttinen sauvamainen bakteeri, joka saattaa aiheuttaa ruokamyrkytyksiä.Vaarattomia B. cereus-kantoja voidaan kuitenkin hyödyntää esimerkiksi probiootteina.. Bacillus cereus-bakteerit muodostavat itiöitä, ja ne ovat yleisiä maaperän, vesistöjen, kasvien, ilman ja pölyn mikrobeja. Bakteeri on yleinen ihmisen ja eläinten ...
Bacillus cereus, a Volatile Human Pathogen › pmc › articlesSummary: Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, motile, spore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium that is widely distributed environmentally. . While B. cereus is associated mainly with food poisoning, it is being increasingly reported to be a cause of serious and potentially fatal non-gastrointestinal-tract infec
Bacillus Cereus - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf › books › NBK459121Sep 07, 2020 · Bacillus cereus is a toxin-producing facultatively anaerobic gram-positive bacterium. The bacteria are commonly found in the environment and can contaminate food. It can quickly multiply at room temperature with an abundantly present preformed toxin. When ingested, this toxin can cause gastrointestinal illness, which is the commonly known manifestation of the disease. Gastrointestinal (GI ...