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Audit 10

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) › sites › default › files › audit
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is a 10-item screening tool developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to.
Audit 10 - High quality designer Audit 10 | Architonic › en › product
Product description. Architonic ID 1220905. Year of Launch 2011. Upholstered Mono-block with upholstered side panels which are feet and arms at the same time. Upholstered backrest finish.
Alkoholin käytön riskit - AUDIT | Pä
Vastaamalla AUDIT-testin kysymyksiin saa monipuolisen kuvan juomiseen mahdollisesti liittyvistä riskeistä ja haitoista. Valitse se vaihtoehto, joka parhaiten vastaa omaa tilannettasi. Testin …
Alkoholinkäytön riskitason arviointi - – AUDIT (Alcohol User ... › aineistopankki › audit-ohjeistus
Kysymysten avulla saadaan tietoa mahdollisista alkoholiriippuvuuden oireista. Kysymykset 7–10 kuvaavat alkoholinkäytön haittoja eli syyllisyyttä juomisesta ( ...
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test 10-Item (AUDIT-10 ... › assets › audit-10
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test 10-Item (AUDIT-10) (Bohn et al., 1995) This alcohol harm assessment tool consists of the full alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT). Scale: 1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol? 2. How many units of alcohol do you drink on a typical day when you are drinking? 3.
Alkoholinkäytön riskit (AUDIT) - Mielenterveystalo › itsearviointi › Pages
F10-19.1 Päihteiden haittakäyttö · F10-19.2 Päihderiippuvuus · F10-19.3 Vieroitusoireet · F10-19.4 Delirium tremens · F10-19.5-9 Päihdepohjaiset ...
AUDIT and DAST-10 - University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee…
DAST-10; Illegal drugs, including marijuana, and/or use of a prescription medication for non-medical reasons are considered to be drugs. In the past 12 months… Yes = 1 No = 0 1. Have …
Audit 10 - High quality designer Audit 10 | Architonic
Product description. Architonic ID 1220905. Year of Launch 2011. Upholstered Mono-block with upholstered side panels which are feet and arms at the same time. Upholstered backrest finish.
AUDIT-testi - › audit-testi
... WHO:n kehittämä AUDIT-testi eli 10 kysymystä alkoholinkäytöstä. AUDIT-testi mittaa juomiseen mahdollisesti liittyviä riskejä ja haittoja.
CPD AUDIT-10 and C - Deployment Psych…
AUDIT-10: Each AUDIT-C question is scored 0 to 4 points, resulting in a total score ranging from 0 to 40 points. Higher scores typically reflect more serious problems. A score of ≥ 8 is …
AUDIT-10 - Patient Tools › audit-10
Designed to be used internationally, the Audit-10 was validated in a study assessing people from six countries. Fast and easy to use, the PTI App version of the AUDIT-10 is an economical, reliable and validated method to screen. Questions are presented one at a time with a single click answer to advance to the next question.
AUDIT&10) - Akseli
AUDIT&10) Ympyröi(se(vaihtoehto,(jokalähinnävastaaomaatilannettasi.(((1.Kuinka)usein)juot)olutta,)viiniä)tai)muita)alkoholijuomia?)Koeta)ottaa)mukaan)myös))ne)
Audit 10 | PDF
audit 10 - Read online for free. this is an assignment for a requirement in school
AUDIT-kysely › xmedia › pgr › AUDIT
AUDIT-kysely ... 10 annosta tai enemmän (4 p) ... Grant M. Development of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): WHO collaborative.
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test 10-Item (AUDIT-10) 1. 2.
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test 10-Item (AUDIT-10) (Bohn et al., 1995) This alcohol harm assessment tool consists of the full alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT). …
AUDIT-10 - Patient Tools…
Designed to be used internationally, the Audit-10 was validated in a study assessing people from six countries. Fast and easy to use, the PTI App version …
AUDIT-10 › serve › vanhempien-al...
AUDIT-10. Ympyröi se vaihtoehto, joka lähinnä vastaa omaa tilannettasi. 1. Kuinka usein juot olutta, viiniä tai muita alkoholijuomia?
AUDIT-kysely. 1. Kuinka usein juot olutta, viiniä tai muita alkoholijuomia? Ota mukaan myös ne kerrat, jolloin juot vain pieniä määriä, esimerkiksi pullon keskiolutta tai tilkan viiniä. En koskaan …
CPD AUDIT-10 and C - Deployment Psych › system › files
AUDIT-10: Each AUDIT-C question is scored 0 to 4 points, resulting in a total score ranging from 0 to 40 points. Higher scores typically reflect more serious problems. A score of ≥ 8 is suggestive of an alcohol problem, AUDIT-C 1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol? Never (0 points) Monthly or less (1 points)
AUDIT - Alkoholin käytön riskit - Pä
A U D I T -p i s te e t, y l i 6 5 -v u o ti a a t: 0 -6 p i s te ttä , r i s k i t v ä h ä i s i ä V ä h ä ri ski st ä a l ko h o l i n kä yt t ö ä o n e n i n t ä ä n yksi a l ko h o l i a n n o s
Alkoholin käytön riskit - AUDIT | Pä › testit-ja-laskurit › alkoholi › alk...
Vastaamalla AUDIT-testin kysymyksiin saa monipuolisen kuvan juomiseen mahdollisesti ... 10. Onko joku läheisesi tai ystäväsi, lääkäri tai joku muu ollut ...
AUDIT and DAST-10 - University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee › 56/2015/07 › AUDIT-and-DAST-10/8/10-14
DAST-10; Illegal drugs, including marijuana, and/or use of a prescription medication for non-medical reasons are considered to be drugs. In the past 12 months… Yes = 1 No = 0 1. Have you used drugs other than those required for medical reasons? 2. Do you use more than one drug at a time? 3. Are you always able to stop using drugs when you want to?