Puck | Arla
www.arla.com › our-brands › puckPuck ® from Arla offers a wide range of dairy products right across the Middle East. A perennial favourite in the region for its cream cheese, Puck has established itself as a passionate supporter of mums – the everyday chefs who work wonders in the kitchen to serve delicious meals 3 times a day, 365 days a year.
Arla Foods - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arla_FoodsArla Foods is the fourth largest dairy company in the world with respect to milk volume, seventh with respect to turnover. At the start of 2016, 12,500 farmers across Western Europe and Scandinavia owned the cooperative. Arla Foods has three minor brands: Arla, Lurpak and Castello cheeses that are … Näytä lisää
Arla - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › ArlaArla may refer to: Arla (moth), a genus of moth. Arkansas Library Association. Arla, Greece, a village. Ärla, a village in south-eastern Sweden. Arla Foods, a large Scandinavian producer of dairy products. Arla (Finland), a subsidiary of Arla Foods. Arla Foods UK, a subsidiary of Arla Foods. ARLA, Armée révolutionnaire de libération de l ...
Arla Foods - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Arla_FoodsArla Foods incorporated Arla Foods Ingredients, a former division, as an independent subsidiary in 2011. The company develops and manufactures milk based ingredients, primarily functional and nutritional milk proteins, bioactive phospholipids, minerals, permeate and lactose for the food industry. The head office is located in Denmark.
Arla - your global dairy company | Arla
www.arla.comFrom August 2023, Arla farmers who are taking action to reduce their carbon footprint will be rewarded through a new Sustainability Incentive model. Together with our farmer owners, we’ve committed to reducing on-farm CO2e emissions per kilo milk by 30 per cent by 2030. Rewarding farmers for their climate activities is an important milestone ...
Arla Foods – Wikipedia
sv.wikipedia.org › wiki › Arla_FoodsArla på Björksättra gård. Arla Foods amba är ett danskregistrerat europeiskt mejeri kooperativ, som ägs av 8 492 mjölkbönder i sju europeiska länder ( Belgien, Danmark, Luxemburg, Nederländerna, Storbritannien, Sverige och Tyskland ). [ 1] Arlas mjölkbönder är både ägare till kooperativet och leverantörer av mjölken.
Arla (Suomi) – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arla_(Suomi)Arla Oy on suomalainen meijeriyhtiö, joka kuuluu kansainväliseen Arla Foods -konserniin. Yhtiö syntyi vuonna 2008 Arla Foodsin ostettua Ingman Foods Oy Ab:n Ingman Groupilta. Yhtiö toimi vuosina 2008–2014 nimellä Arla Ingman Oy. Toukokuun 2014 alussa yhtiön nimi muuttui Arla Ingman Oy Ab:sta Arla Oy:ksi. Arla Oy:llä on Suomessa kolme omaa meijeriä, jotka ovat Arla Pohjois-Suomi…
Arla Foods - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
da.wikipedia.org › wiki › Arla_FoodsArla Foods eksporterer en række produkter til bl.a. Mellemøsten, Asien og europæiske lande som Storbritannien, Tyskland og Holland, men har også egne produktionssteder, bl.a. i Saudi-Arabien. Arla Foods blev i januar 2006 ramt af en omfattende handelsboykot mod danske varer i Mellemøsten, som følge af de 12 Muhammed-tegninger, der blev ...