3D Plant Archicad Models | TurboSquid
www.turbosquid.com › Search › 3D-Models3D plant archicad models for download, files in 3ds, max, c4d, maya, blend, obj, fbx with low poly, animated, rigged, game, and VR options.
Free Archicad Libraries Download
archicadlibraries.comWith over 13,000 finishes across Australia and New Zealand, the Dulux Archicad Library will bring your next project to life! Highlights include. 180 PowderCoat finishes. 7000 Paint Colours. 1300 AcraTex Stucco/Render Finishes (13 ranges x 100 colours each) 79 Safety and Protective Coating finishes. 114 Timber Oil and Stain finishes.
ArchiRADAR's Plants
www.archiradar.it › en › 3d-objectsArchiRADAR's Plants. Our collections of 3D plants and trees are made by ArchiRADAR, who guarantees its quality. If you are interested in a specie that is not yet ready you can contact us at this address and request for it: info@archiradar.com. The Download is IMMEDIATE after the bought !!