Archicad 26 – Graphisoft › us › solutionsArchicad 26 introduces powerful 3D model export with a simpler, more informative Publisher workflow and easier control over texture size to optimize file size, and export time. In addition, BIMx Web Viewer and BIMx Desktop Viewer have a new, more realistic visualization with on-the-fly rendering, reflecting project orientation and Camera View ...
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archicadlibraries.comInspiring creativity With over 13,000 finishes across Australia and New Zealand, the Dulux Archicad Library will bring your next project to life! Highlights include 180 PowderCoat finishes 7000 Paint Colours 1300 AcraTex Stucco/Render Finishes (13 ranges x 100 colours each) 79 Safety and Protective Coating finishes 114 Timber Oil and Stain finishes
Electronic Deliveries – Graphisoft
Archicad 21:n sähköinen toimitus- ja asennusohje 1 Varmista, että tietokoneesi täyttää laitevaatimukset Archicad 21 on 64-bittinen sovellus, joka vaatii käyttöjärjestelmäkseen: Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 8.1 (64-bit), tai macOS 10.12 Sierra, Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan Tarkista yksityiskohtaiset laitevaatimukset 2