Angry Birds – Wikipedia Birds on suomalaisen Rovion luoma videopelisarja. Sen pääosassa ovat eriväriset linnut, jotka yrittävät pelastaa munansa vihreiltä sioilta. Vuonna 2009 julkaistun alkuperäisen pelin suosio on johtanut lukuisten spin-off-pelien, oheistuotteiden ja kokoillan elokuvan tekemiseen.
Angry Birds Games Online (FREE) › angry-birds-gamesAngry Birds is a video game designed specifically for Apple IOS by Rovio entertainment company. The finish company launched the game in December 2009. For that within one year the company has sold over 12 million games, manufacturers have started to create versions of the game for Android, Symbian, and Windows Phone.
Angry Birds
www.angrybirds.comHome of the Angry Birds – stars of the Angry Birds Movie and the beloved mobile games downloaded billions of times worldwide.
Angry Birds Classic - Apps on Google Play › store › appsAngry Birds Classic. The survival of the Angry Birds is at stake. Dish out revenge on the greedy pigs who stole their eggs. Use the unique powers of each bird to destroy the pigs’ defenses. Angry Birds features challenging physics-based gameplay and hours of replay value. Each level requires logic, skill and force to solve.