Garlic - Wikipedia (Allium sativum) is a species of bulbous flowering plant in the genus Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, Welsh onion, and Chinese onion. It is native to South Asia, Central Asia and northeastern Iran and has long been used as a seasoning worldwide, with a history of several … Näytä lisää
Valkosipuli – Wikipedia eli kynsilaukka (Allium sativum) on monivuotinen narsissikasvien (Amaryllidaceae) heimoon kuuluva viljelyskasvi, jonka sipulia käytetään mausteena tuoreeltaan tai kuivattuna. Valkosipulin alkuperästä ei ole varmaa tietoa, mutta säilyneiden dokumenttien perusteella ainakin jo muinaiset egyptiläiset pitivät sitä tärkeänä ravintokasvina. Pohjolassakin valkosipulia on viljelty jo viikinkiaikana, mutta 1800-luvulla sen viljely ja käyttö jostakin syystä ehtyi. Nykyään valkosipulia …
Allium - Wikipedia › wiki › AlliumAllium is a genus of monocotyledonous flowering plants with hundreds of species, including the cultivated onion, garlic, scallion, shallot, leek, and chives. The generic name Allium is the Latin word for garlic, and the type species for the genus is Allium sativum which means "cultivated garlic". Carl Linnaeus first described the genus Allium ...
Garlic - Wikipedia › wiki › GarlicAllium sativum is a perennial flowering plant growing from a bulb. It has a tall, erect flowering stem that grows up to 1 m (3 ft). The leaf blade is flat, linear, solid, and approximately 1.25–2.5 cm (0.5–1.0 in) wide, with an acute apex. The plant may produce pink to purple flowers from July to September in the Northern Hemisphere.