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Alfred Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock - IMDb › name
Alfred Hitchcock, Director: Psycho. Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born in Leytonstone, Essex, England. He was the son of Emma Jane (Whelan; 1863 - 1942) and ...
Alfred Hitchcock – Movies, Bio and Lists on MUBI › cast › alfred-hitchc...
Alfred Hitchcock's films include Psycho, Vertigo, Rear Window, North by Northwest. ... Alfred Hitchcock. Director; Actor; Producer.
Alfred Hitchcock | Biography, Movies, The Birds, Psycho ... › biography
Alfred Hitchcock, in full Sir Alfred Hitchcock, (born August 13, 1899, London, England—died April 29, 1980, Bel Air, California, U.S.), ...
Alfred Hitchcock Movies - IMDb
Alfred Hitchcock was originally hired as assistant director, but when the producer got into an argument with the director and fired him, he promoted Hitchcock to full director. Only one of the …
The Lady Vanishes - Wikipedia
The Lady Vanishes is a 1938 British mystery thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Margaret Lockwood and Michael Redgrave. Written by Sidney Gilliat and Frank Launder, …
Alfred Hitchcock - Rotten Tomatoes › alfr...
Among the most celebrated, imitated, and beloved directors of the 20th century, Alfred Hitchcock is widely seen as the father of the thriller.
Alfred Hitchcock – Wikipedia
Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock, född 13 augusti 1899 i Leytonstone i nordöstra London, England, död 29 april 1980 i Bel Air, Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA, var en brittisk filmregissör. Bland …
Alfred Hitchcock - Wikipedia › wiki › Alfred_Hitchcock
Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock KBE (13 August 1899 – 29 April 1980) was an English filmmaker widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in the history of cinema. [1] In a career spanning six decades, he directed over 50 feature films, [a] many of which are still widely watched and studied today.
Alfred Hitchcock - Home | Facebook › AlfredHi...
Alfred Hitchcock, the Master of Suspense, gained notoriety as a director who delivered suspense, twist endings, and dark subject matter.
Alfred Hitchcock | Biography, Movies, The Birds, Psycho ... › biography › Alfred-Hitchcock
Aug 09, 2022 · Alfred Hitchcock, in full Sir Alfred Hitchcock, (born August 13, 1899, London, England—died April 29, 1980, Bel Air, California, U.S.), English-born American motion-picture director whose suspenseful films and television programs won immense popularity and critical acclaim over a long and tremendously productive career.
Alfred Hitchcock - IMDb › name › nm0000033
1955-1961 Alfred Hitchcock Presents (TV Series) (17 episodes) - Bang! You're Dead (1961) - The Horseplayer (1961) - Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel's Coat (1960) - The Crystal Trench (1959) - Arthur (1959) Show all 17 episodes 1960 Psycho 1960 Startime (TV Series) (1 episode) - Incident at a Corner (1960) 1959 North by Northwest 1958 Vertigo
Alfred Hitchcock - Wikipedia
Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock KBE (13 August 1899 – 29 April 1980) was an English filmmaker widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in the history of cinema. In a career spanning six decades, he directed over 50 feature films, many of which are still widely watched and studied today. Known as the "Master of Suspense", he became as well known as any of his actors thanks t…
Alfred Hitchcock - Wikipedia
Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock ( Londra, 13 agosto 1899 – Los Angeles, 29 aprile 1980) è stato un regista e produttore cinematografico britannico naturalizzato statunitense [1]. È considerato uno dei maggiori cineasti della storia del …
Alfred Hitchcock - IMDb
Alfred Hitchcock, Director: Psycho. Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born in Leytonstone, Essex, England. He was the son of Emma Jane (Whelan; 1863 - …
Alfred Hitchcock Official (@alfredhitchcockofficial) • Instagram ... › alfredhit...
250k Followers, 93 Following, 1387 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Alfred Hitchcock Official (@alfredhitchcockofficial)
Alfred Hitchcock - Wikipedia › wiki › Alfre...
Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock KBE (13 August 1899 – 29 April 1980) was an English filmmaker widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in the history ...
Alfred Hitchcock -aiheiset jutut - › aiheet › alfred-hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock kieltäytyi tapaamasta Steven Spielbergin yrityksistä huolimatta: ”Tuntisin oloni hu*raksi”. Legendat eivät koskaan tavanneet. Hollywood
Alfred Hitchcockin filmografia – Wikipedia
Alfred J. Hitchcock Productions: 1956: The Man Who Knew Too Much: Mies joka tiesi liikaa: Filwite Productions: The Wrong Man: Väärä mies: Warner Bros. 1958: Vertigo: Vertigo – …
Alfred Hitchcock - Biography - IMDb › name › bio
Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born in Leytonstone, Essex, England. He was the son of Emma Jane (Whelan; 1863 - 1942) and East End greengrocer William ...
Alfred Hitchcock - Wikipedia › wiki › Alfred_Hitchcock
Alfred Joseph Hitchcock (13. elokuuta 1899 Lontoo, Englanti, Ison-Britannian ja Irlannin yhdistynyt kuningaskunta – 29. huhtikuuta 1980 Los Angeles, ...
Alfred Hitchcock | Home
Visit the official website of Alfred Hitchcock to learn more about the director, his films, and his legacy as the Master of Suspense.
Alfred Hitchcock | Home
Visit the official website of Alfred Hitchcock to learn more about the director, his films, and his legacy as the Master of Suspense.
Alfred Hitchcock filmography - Wikipedia
61 riviä · Alfred Hitchcock was an English director and filmmaker. Popularly known as the …
Alfred Hitchcock – Wikipedia
Alfred Joseph Hitchcock (13. elokuuta 1899 Lontoo, Englanti, Ison-Britannian ja Irlannin yhdistynyt kuningaskunta – 29. huhtikuuta 1980 Los Angeles, Kalifornia, Yhdysvallat) oli englantilainen elokuvaohjaaja. Hän siirtyi 1939 Hollywoodiin, jossa hän teki useimmat merkittävimmistä elokuvistaan. Hitchcockia … Näytä lisää