Yksityishenkilöille - Taskuparkki
taskuparkki.fiSep 03, 2018 · Asenna Taskuparkki, syötä sovellukseen muutama tarvittava tieto ja pääset saman tien nauttimaan helposta pysäköinnistä. Täällä Taskuparkki toimii Taskuparkin automaattinen kameratunnistus on käytössä useissa pysäköintikohteissa Espoossa, Helsingissä, Oulussa, Rovaniemellä, Tampereella ja Turussa. Katso kohteet täältä » Uutta!
Aimo Park Etusivu
https://www.aimopark.fiAimo Park omistaa ja operoi pysäköintilaitoksia sekä valvoo kiinteistöjen pysäköintialueita suurimmissa kaupungeissa Suomessa. Meillä on ammattitaitoinen ja ...
Aimo Park Access
www.aimopark.se › en-gb › om-aimo-parkWe currently use two different systems within Aimo Park Access, which means that you as a customer register and pay in slightly different ways depending on which facility you park in. Connect to Aimo Park Access Pay within 48 hours in P-huset Mörby Centrum As of right now we offer Aimo Park Access in the following facilities: Oxtorget, Stockholm
Om Aimo Park Sweden
www.aimopark.se › en-gb › om-aimo-parkAimo Park is the leading parking business in Sweden, with approximately 300 000 parking spaces divided on 1 600 parking facilities across the country. More about Aimo Park in Sweden Contact Us Do you have any questions or is there anything can we help you with? We have skilled staff working accross the country.
Where do you want to park? Search for an ... - Aimo Park Norway
www.aimopark.no › en-gbPay or register here With EasyPark, we offer mobile parking Minimalistic, stylish and intuitive, the EasyPark app helps you find a parking spot and conveniently pay for parking. Go to the EasyPark website AIMO PARK SEASON TICKET OFFER Save time and money with a Aimo Park season ticket for one of our car parks. Read more about our season tickets
Aimo Park Contact us - Aimo Park Finland
www.aimopark.fi › en-gb › contactTel. 020 7812 461 taskuparkki@aimopark.fi Residential parking (Please remember than you can only file a complaint by filling in the form below.) Tel. 020 7812 480 (Mon-Fri at 9:00-16:00) asukaspysakointi@aimopark.fi Aimo Park Easy -parking invoicing customer service Tel. 020 7812 460 (Mon-Thu at 9:00-12:00) easylaskutus@aimopark.fi Parking control
Aimo Park - Home
www.aimopark.fi › en-gbThe Port of Helsinki is developing its parking operations and further strenghtens ability to serve passengers together with Aimo Park Finland Oy from August 2020 onwards. Q-Park becomes Aimo Park The Japanese company Sumitomo Corporation has acquired Q-Park in Sweden, Norway and Finland. As a result, Q-Park will change its name to Aimo Park.