The Addams Family - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Addams_FamilyThe Addams Family is a fictional family created by American cartoonist Charles Addams.They originally appeared as an unrelated group of 150 single-panel cartoons, about half of which were originally published in The New Yorker over a 50-year period since there inception in 1938, until Addams's death in 1988, they have since been adapted to other media, such as television, film, video games ...
The Addams Family – Wikipedia Addams Family (suom. Addamsin perhe) on yhdysvaltalaisen Charles Addamsin luoma fiktiivinen perhe. Hahmot esiintyivät alun perin The New Yorker -lehdessä yhden ruudun sarjakuvissa ja olivat tuolloin vielä nimettömiä. Vuonna 1964 sarjakuvien pohjalta luotiin televisiosarja The Addams Family, jolloin hahmot saivat nimensä. Myöhemmin perhe on esiintynyt useissa televisiosarj…
The Addams Family (2019) - IMDb › title › tt1620981Oct 11, 2019 · The Addams Family: Directed by Greg Tiernan, Conrad Vernon. With Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, Chloë Grace Moretz, Finn Wolfhard. The eccentrically macabre family moves to a bland suburb where Wednesday Addams' friendship with the daughter of a hostile and conformist local reality show host exacerbates conflict between the families.