Neurologin vastaanotto | Lääkärikeskus Aava › palvelut › neurologiaMitä neurologin vastaanotolla tapahtuu? Ihan ensimmäiseksi neurologi kyselee sinulta oireistasi: niiden alkamisesta, kestosta ja voimakkuudesta. Huolellisen haastattelun ja kliinisen tutkimisen sinut voidaan tarvittaessa ohjata aivojen tai selkäytimen kuvantamistutkimukseen (yleensä MRI) tai ENMG-hermoratatutkimukseen.
Aava Network - Building a new kind of Internet
aava.networkAava, the new Internet. Aava is a new information network - like a "new Internet". It's an alternative to the world wide web you're now browsing. We believe people deserve a new "fork" of the world wide web, one that will exist alongside it and fix its flaws. Websites on Aava don't collect behavioral data from their users, which is a huge leap ...
aavaa.comAAVAA Bionic Ear. Our first device is a bluetooth earpiece that showcases our end-to-end technology. It interprets your brain and biosignals from proprietary sensors to seamlessly enhance what you want to hear simply by focusing on the sounds that interest you. For the first time, tell your device what to hear, not the other way around.