CPD AUDIT-10 and C - Deployment Psych
deploymentpsych.org › system › filesAUDIT-10: Each AUDIT-C question is scored 0 to 4 points, resulting in a total score ranging from 0 to 40 points. Higher scores typically reflect more serious problems. A score of ≥ 8 is suggestive of an alcohol problem, AUDIT-C 1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol? Never (0 points) Monthly or less (1 points)
AUDIT-10 - Patient Tools
www.patienttools.com › audit-10Designed to be used internationally, the Audit-10 was validated in a study assessing people from six countries. Fast and easy to use, the PTI App version of the AUDIT-10 is an economical, reliable and validated method to screen. Questions are presented one at a time with a single click answer to advance to the next question.