VisitOulu › enWelcome to the Oulu region! From city life to the sound of silence, the Oulu region pampers you with colourful northern experiences and adventures that refresh and inspire you to the core. The Oulu region ties together 9 destinations which all provide you with specialties of their own. Oulu Syöte Kalajoki Liminka Rokua Geopark Raahe Hailuoto - Talo on tekniikkalaji
https://www.are.fiAre on Suomen suurin talotekniikkatalo Are on Suomessa perustettu perheyritys, jolla on yli sadan vuoden kokemus talotekniikasta. Tarjoamme ratkaisuja ja palveluita kiinteistön koko elinkaarelle aina uudiskohteiden talotekniikkaurakoinnista, ylläpitoon ja huoltoon, modernisointiin ja korjausrakentamiseen.
Oulu - Wikitravel › en › OuluFeb 21, 2022 · It is the fifth-largest (third largest if you exclude Espoo and Vantaa) city in Finland and the largest and most important in Northern Finland. Oulu is known for its high-tech focus, with free wireless internet access, Panoulu [21], in the city center. A lot of Finnish IT companies, including Nokia, have offices in Oulu or nearby areas.
AC Oulu - Taisteleva, Rohkea & Ylpeä
https://acoulu.fiAC Oulu - Taisteleva, Rohkea & Ylpeä. 04.05.2022 Raportti Edustus. AC Oulu jatkoon Suomen Cupissa. 03.05.2022 Ennakko Edustus. Visor otteluennakko: AC Oulu pelaa tänään Suomen Cupissa Torniossa. 30.04.2022 Raportti Edustus. Komea voitto kauden ensimmäisestä ottelusta Raatissa. Kaikki uutiset.
University of Oulu › enApr 22, 2022 · The University of Oulu works with diverse partners locally, nationally and internationally. Our services help you to find the information you need and benefit from the know-how of our specialists. Services for companies and organizations
Oulu - Wikipedia is situated by the Gulf of Bothnia, at the mouth of river Oulujoki, which is an ancient trading site.The city proper was founded on 8 April 1605 by King Charles IX of Sweden, opposite the fort built on the island of Linnansaari.This took place after favourable peace settlements with Russia, which removed the threat of attack via the main east–west waterway, the river Oulu.
Oulun yliopisto
oulu.fi20.4.2022 · Oulun yliopisto tekee monipuolista yhteistyötä erilaisten kumppaneiden kanssa paikallisesti, kansallisesti ja kansainvälisesti. Palvelumme auttavat sinua löytämään tarvitsemasi tiedon ja hyötymään osaajiemme tietotaidosta. Palvelut yrityksille ja yhteisöille
Oulu - Wikipedia › wiki › OuluThe typical features are cold and snowy winters with short and warm summers. Average annual temperature is 3.3 °C (37.9 °F). The average annual precipitation is 477 mm (18.78 in) falling 105 days per year, mostly in late summer and fall.
University of Oulu · At the University of Oulu, we participate in solving global problems with our cutting-edge research. The openness and responsibility of research is an integral part of all research actions in the University of Oulu. High-level impactful research Responsible research
Home - City of Oulu - Oulun kaupunki › oulu › englishApr 22, 2022 · On behalf of our community of about 210 000 people, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the City of Oulu, Finland. Oulu combines Northern hospitality, nature and culture with modern technology. Oulu values education, research and innovation and we are extremely pleased to welcome everyone to contribute to these dynamics.