ADHD Rating Scale-IV (ADHD-RS) › site › pcnThe ADHD Rating Scale-IV is completed independently by the parent and scored by a clinician. The scale consists of 2 subscales: inattention (9 items) and hyperactivity-impulsivity (9 items). If 3 or more items are skipped, the clinician should use extreme caution in interpreting the scale. Results from this rating scale alone should not be used ...
ADHD rating scales | ADHD institute › assessment-diagnosis › ratingSpecificity – ADHD-specific scales that rate symptoms include the ADHD Rating Scale V (ADHD-RS-V) 6 for children and the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale for adults. 7 Standardised rating scales enable clinicians to evaluate multiple aspects of well-being and to compare these results with specific clinical subgroups, the general population, or both.
ADHD rating scale - Wikipedia ADHD RS- IV is widely used in the U.S. in English; however, because of the increasing population of Latino-Americans in the U.S., the ADHD Rating Scale was also translated into Spanish to accommodate those speaking Spanish as their first language. Also, many other countries have already translated and validated the ADHD scale into their primary spoken language. According to the Archives of Clinical Psychiatry in Sao Paulo, Vol.33, N.4 the (TDAH, P…