A Quiet Place Part II - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › A_Quiet_Place_Part_IIA Quiet Place Part II is a 2020 American horror film and the sequel to 2018's A Quiet Place, following the family from the first film as they continue to navigate and survive in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by blind aliens with an acute sense of hearing. The film was written, produced, and directed by John Krasinski for Paramount Pictures.
Se A Quiet Place online - Viaplay
https://viaplay.dk/store/a-quiet-place-2018Se A Quiet Place online - Viaplay A Quiet Place Køb 49 kr 7.5 Drama Gys 2018 1 t. 26 min HD 15 år År 2020, det meste af jordens befolkning er udryddet. Familien Abbott lever i total stilhed for ikke at blive opdaget af livsfarlige væsener. Døden er blot et lille kvæk væk. Deltagere Emily Blunt John KrasinskiMillicent SimmondsNoah Jupe Cade Woodward
A Quiet Place (2018) - IMDb
www.imdb.com › title › tt6644200Apr 06, 2018 · A Quiet Place: Directed by John Krasinski. With Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, Millicent Simmonds, Noah Jupe. In a post-apocalyptic world, a family is forced to live in silence while hiding from monsters with ultra-sensitive hearing.