70s Trivia Questions and Answers · 1. What major event happened on June 17 1972? · 2. The 26th Amendment became law in 1971. · 3. What happened to Patty Hearst in ...
Verkko70s Trivia Questions and Answers. Our history quiz questions also include the 70s trivia questions and answers for those who are born in the 70s and want to recall all the important events that happened at …
1970s trivia questions and answers. The 1970s were famous for bell-bottoms jeans and the rise of punk and disco but how much do you know about this fascinating decade? Find out with these fun 70s trivia questions and answers!
Take this 104-question quiz about the 70s and find out! The 1970s was a decade of change. It was a time of social, political, and economic turmoil. In the United States, the Vietnam War came to an …
Jun 6, 2023 · Are you hot on your 1970s political scandals? If you are looking for a challenge and feel you have the knowledge, then these 70s trivia questions and answers are for you! These 70s quiz questions will test you on a range of different topics from music to history to popular culture.
Feel like you're ready to dive in? Go ahead and print out the full trivia sheet, but don't peek at the answers until you've answered all the questions.
Feb 12, 2022 · Discover 11 rounds of quiz questions and answers about the Seventies. From music to history and toys, this is the ultimate 70s Quiz! It includes trivia, MCQ and a picture quiz.
Verkko1 – In 1970 Mick Jagger was fined £200 for possession of what? REVEAL ANSWER. 2 – WHO certified the eradication of which disease in December 1979? REVEAL ANSWER. 3 – What was the name of the …
VerkkoAnswer: Earth Day In 1978 shoot ’em up arcade game was developed by Tomohiro Nishikado? Answer: Space Invaders The first world cup televised in color in which …
Jan 27, 2020 · Well, you can find out by challenging yourself to these '70s trivia questions. Question: What major event in American history happened on June 17, 1972? Shutterstock
70s Trivia Questions 1. The Village People released which famous hit song in 1978? In the Navy Y.M.C.A Macho Man Can’t Stop the Music 2. Why did US president Richard Nixon resign in …
Verkko1970s trivia questions and answers. The 1970s were famous for bell-bottoms jeans and the rise of punk and disco but how much do you know about this fascinating decade? …
VerkkoCheck out some of the questions. Which variety show ran from 1971-74 and featured comedy sketches and musical productions from a husband and wife recording team? …
Jun 4, 2021 · Freshen up your '70s trivia with these 30 groovy clues. Jeopardy! 'Jeopardy!': Find out how well you really know '70s trivia, with these 30 groovy clues. 24/7 Wall Street.