Seventh grade - Wikipedia › wiki › Seventh_gradeSeventh grade (also 7th Grade or Grade 7) is the seventh year of formal or compulsory education. The seventh grade is typically the second or third year of middle school. Children in seventh grade are around 12–13 years old. Different terms and numbers are used in other parts of the world.
School Age Calculator USA › usGrade Level Student Age; Preschool: Pre-kindergarten: 4 - 5 years old: Elementary: Kindergarten: 5 - 6 years old: Elementary: 1st Grade: 6 - 7 years old: Elementary: 2nd Grade: 7 - 8 years old: Elementary: 3rd Grade: 8 - 9 years old: Elementary: 4th Grade: 9 - 10 years old: Elementary: 5th Grade: 10 - 11 years old: Middle School: 6th Grade: 11 ...
Educational stage - Wikipedia Australia, children undergo thirteen years of formal education (plus non-compulsory preschool or kindergarten), usually starting at age 4, 5 or 6, and finishing at age 17, 18 or 19. The years are numbered from "Kindergarten" to 12. In New South Wales (NSW), Western Australia (WA), South Australia (SA), Victoria (VIC) and Queensland (QLD) and Tasmania (TAS) primary school is Kindergarten (NSW)/Pre-primary (WA)…
Seventh grade - Wikipedia Argentina, 7th grade is the final grade of primary school. In Australia, Year 7 is the first year of secondary school. It is actually the eighth year of schooling (Prep/Foundation, 1 to 6, then Year 7). In Australia, Year 7 students are aged 12–13 years old. In Belgium, the 7th grade is the first year of high school. When reaching the age of 12 or 13, the children go from primary school (“basisschool”) to secondary school (“middelbare school”).