ESL Conversation Topics and Questions
eslconversationtopics.comESL Conversation Topics is a free resource for both teachers and learners of English. We are continually adding to our library of ESL conversation questions which is designed to help English leaners practice and improve their conversation skills. Within each conversation topic you will find a selection of questions.
ESL Conversation Lessons
www.eslconversationlessons.comJun 21, 2022 · 7. Do people in your country need a lot of 'elbow room', or are they happy enough to co-exist in crowded conditions? How do you say 'elbow room' in your language? 8. How can the following help with sharing a small space: etiquette, empathy, being rich? 9. Is this really all the fault of capitalism?
7 Free ESL Conversation Lesson Plans - ThoughtCo
of 07, 'Guilty' Classroom Conversation Game, "Guilty" is a fun classroom game that encourages students to communicate using past tenses. It involves asking the student to create alibis to prove their innocence in a crime. The game can be played by all levels and can be monitored for varying degrees of accuracy.