English Grammar Grade 6 with Answers
6 Writer ’s Choice: Grammar Practice Workbook,Grade 6, Unit 9 A. Identifying Nouns Underline each noun in the sentences that follow. There are one or more nouns in each sentence. 1. Amanda and her cousincollect stamps. 2. Her cousinhas stampsfrom almost every countryin the world. 3. Amanda has an entire bookfilled with stampsfrom America. 4.
Grammar Practice Workbook
www.tutorcharlotte.net › files › English_Grammar_Grade_66 Writer ’s Choice: Grammar Practice Workbook,Grade 6, Unit 9 A. Identifying Nouns Underline each noun in the sentences that follow. There are one or more nouns in each sentence. 1. Amanda and her cousincollect stamps. 2. Her cousinhas stampsfrom almost every countryin the world. 3. Amanda has an entire bookfilled with stampsfrom America. 4.