VerkkoThe printable has questions about a wide range of 1960s topics including: History Politics Inventions Sports Pop culture Movies Playing Tips If you were a teenager or young adult in the 1960s, it's fun to …
1990s Trivia. Get ready to take a groovy trip down memory lane with our 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s trivia! From iconic songs to legendary bands, challenge your …
Looking for the ultimate 60s Quiz? Here it is! You'll find 50 questions and answers about the SIxties. This includes questions about music, movies, ...
Jan 24, 2023 · Start the quiz Sex, drugs, rock & roll, war and protests, and movie madness – it's the 1960s and 1970s! Young Americans were drafted into the Vietnam War as tensions grew between the United States and the Soviet Union as part of their global Cold War.
Apr 19, 2023 · From Quiz: The 1960s - Entertainment at its Most Colorful 7 What 1968 movie features this quote: "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"? Answer: 2001: A Space Odyssey Spoken by HAL the computer to actor Keir Dullea. "Easy Rider" was released in 1969, "Dr. Strangelove" in 1964 and "Dave" in 1993. From Quiz: 1960s All American Entertainment
Our huge collection of 1960s and '70s Mix trivia quizzes in the music category. Over 375 trivia questions to answer. Play our 1960s and '70s Mix quiz …
While the 1970s were known as the 'Me' Decade, this was also a time that saw great societal change: The Beatles split, President Richard Nixon resigned, and the Vietnam War finally ended. The period was also known for the birth of disco and punk rock, Sea Monkeys, Rubik's cubes and yes, even streaking.
Jul 18, 2022 · Many of us love the great music of the classic rock era- the 1960's and 1970's. This quiz features some of the best known songs of the era. You know the name, but do you know the artist? Average ninny490 Jul 18 22 3111 plays 14. Good Old Rock Oldies - 10 questions - 3 mins My very first quiz, mostly related to the 70s. Average buckeyegal Jul 19 22
1960s Trivia Questions View & Download The printable has questions about a wide range of 1960s topics including: History Politics Inventions Sports Pop culture Movies Playing Tips If you were a teenager or young adult in the 1960s, it's fun to answer the trivia questions on your own.
Feb 2, 2023 · 1: What type of skirt became a statement piece for women in the 60s that is still very much present today? Show Answer 2: What was the name given to women's knee-length trousers, cut with full legs to resemble a skirt? Show Answer 3: What type of material began to be used for clothing for the first time during the 60s? Show Answer
This category is for trivia questions and answers related to 1960s Entertainment (Entertainment). Each one is filled with fun facts and interesting information.
70s music trivia questions Question 1 What song by The Jackson 5 became the 2nd Billboard Hot 100 number one single of the 70s on January 31, 1970? View Answer Question 2 Simon and Garfunkel released their final studio album in January 1970. What was it called? View Answer Question 3 “25 or 6 to 4” was a hit song for which rock band? View Answer
Feb 20, 2023 · 70s Trivia Questions 1. The Village People released which famous hit song in 1978? In the Navy Y.M.C.A Macho Man Can’t Stop the Music 2. Why did US president Richard Nixon resign in 1974? Ill health An extramarital affair The Watergate Scandal He did a rouge live broadcast 3. Which gay rights activist became mayor of San Francisco in 1978?
Jun 26, 2021 · 1970’s Music Trivia Questions & Answers The 70’s was indeed a golden decade for music. From glam to disco, heavy metal to ABBA, there was something for everyone. So if you consider yourself a fan of this glorious era for music, then why not see just how much you know with this next set of 70’s trivia questions. 1.
Name the four members of the Beatles? (A) John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr. What was the name of the first James Bond movie released in ...
Round 1: Easy 60s Trivia Questions Who was voted US president in November 1960? In which 1960 novel would you meet the characters Atticus, Scout and Jem? Martin Luther King’s famous …
Verkko1970s trivia questions and answers The 1970s were famous for bell-bottoms jeans and the rise of punk and disco but how much do you know about this fascinating decade? …
Jan 27, 2020 · Answer: Patty Hearst. FBI. On Feb. 4, 1974, 19-year-old Patty Hearst was kidnapped from her apartment in Berkeley, California. In just a few months, though, Hearst began to sympathize and collude with her kidnappers, the Symbionese Liberation Army. When she was found in 1975, the FBI actually arrested her.
Try your luck with our best 70’s trivia questions. Whether you remember this golden decade first-hand, or you just love a bit of nostalgia, we can guarantee that these 1970’s trivia questions …
The 1960s was a time of radical change in America. How much of the 60s do you remember? Try to answer these printable trivia questions to learn if you're an ...
VerkkoREVEAL ANSWER 2 – What was Czech republic and Slovakia better known as in the 60s? REVEAL ANSWER 3 – Which vaccine was released after being approved by the FDA in 1963? REVEAL …
60’s And 70’s Trivia Questions and Answers Who was the president of the United States from January 20, 1961, to November 22, 1963? Answer: John F. Kennedy What was the average (median) income of American families in 1960? Answer: $5,600 Which comic book character made their first appearance in 1962? Answer: Spiderman
If you're not sure how to use this 60s music quiz with answers, scroll to the bottom for instructions first. You may also like our 60s Song Lyrics Quiz and 70s ...
Who had a 1960's hit with 'Sweet Talkin' Guy'? The Chiffons What color did Chris De Burgh's Lady wear in his hit of 1986? Red Who were on 'The Trail of the Lonesome Pine' in 1975? Laurel and Hardy Which actor took 'Captain Beaky' into the 1980 charts? Keith Michell
Answer: Jefferson Airplane Question: Who scored a hit in 1969 with the song 'In the Year 2525'? Answer: Zager & Evans Question: Which band released the album 'A White Shade of Pale' in …