Suomen 4H-liitto
https://4h.fiWeb4H on valtakunnallisesti toimiva, poliittisesti ja uskonnollisesti sitoutumaton järjestö, joka auttaa lapsia ja nuoria löytämään itselleen mielekästä tekemistä ja monipuolisen …
Texas 4-H Quiz Bowls - Texas 4-H › quizFamily & Community Health (FCH) Bowl. Horse Quiz Bowl. Livestock Quiz Bowl. Questions may be submitted by agents and volunteer leaders. As a reminder, those competing at state will be required to submit 15 questions per category that they are competing in at Texas 4-H Roundup.
4Ts Score for Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia - MDCalc › calc › 17874Ts Score for Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Thrombocytopenia Platelet count fall >50% AND platelet nadir ≥20 +2 Platelet count fall 30–50% OR platelet nadir 10–19 +1 Platelet count fall <30% OR platelet nadir <10 0 Timing of platelet count fall Clear onset between days 5–10 OR platelet fall ≤1 day (prior heparin exposure within 30 days) +2