Anatomy 3D Atlas
https://www.anatomy3datlas.comWebHighly detailed 3D models, with textures up to 4k resolution, enable to examine the shape of each structure of the human body with great depth. Systems: Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Nervous, Respiratory, …
UMTRI HumanShape™: 3D Human Shapes
www.humanshape.orgIntuitive 3D Body Shape Modeling Change the body shape by intuitively adjusting a few predictors such as stature, BMI, and the ratio of erect sitting height to stature. Slide the controls or type in values to adjust the parameters. Anthropometry Prediction
Body Builder › femaleLoading body data... Note: WebGL is required (Google Chrome Recommended) ... Female Body Visualizer (switch to male) Switch Units. MPI IS Perceiving Systems ...
Create virtual me - › virtualCreate virtual me Cm Inch More measurements Face Skintone Hairstyle Eyebrows Virtual me To create Virtual Me and get to know your Body Type, please save your height, waist, hips, shoulder and breast measurements. To know your body fat %, please save also your neck measuremet.
Body Builder - Body Visualizer
https://bodyvisualizer.comFemale Body Visualizer The Perceiving Systems Department is a leading Computer Vision group in Tübingen Height: 65 inches PREDICTED (?) Weight: 141 pounds PREDICTED (?) Chest: 37 inches PREDICTED (?) Waist: 30 inches PREDICTED (?) Hips: 40 inches PREDICTED (?) Inseam: 30 inches PREDICTED (?) Exercise: 1 hours/week PREDICTED (?)
ShapeScale ® — 3D Body Scanner · Scale · Fitness Tracker
shapescale.comShapeScale ® — 3D Body Scanner · Scale · Fitness Tracker ShapeScale Ships in 2023 PRE-ORDER < Know how your body changes Capture the way you look Instantly see your progress See changes in the areas you care about Know what to focus on WATCH VIDEO PRE-ORDER The scale that gives you the full picture
Body Builder - Body Visualizer
bodyvisualizer.comFemale Body Visualizer The Perceiving Systems Department is a leading Computer Vision group in Tübingen Height: 65 inches PREDICTED (?) Weight: 141 pounds PREDICTED (?) Chest: 37 inches PREDICTED (?) Waist: 30 inches PREDICTED (?) Hips: 40 inches PREDICTED (?) Inseam: 30 inches PREDICTED (?) Exercise: 1 hours/week PREDICTED (?)
UMTRI HumanShape™: 3D Human Shapes
www.humanshape.orgWebIntuitive 3D Body Shape Modeling Change the body shape by intuitively adjusting a few predictors such as stature, BMI, and the ratio of erect sitting height to stature. Slide the controls or type in values to adjust the …
BMI Visualizer - BMIWebgl | Perceiving Systems
www.bmivisualizer.comCalculate your BMI and Visualize your Body Shape Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated using your height and weight and is approximately related to body fat percentage. Rotate the body to get a full 360o degree view. Gender: female | male Unit measurement: metric | us/english Height: ft mm Weight: kg Your BMI: Body Mass Index Scale