TURBO on a 3.4L? | Tacoma World
www.tacomaworld.com › threads › turbo-on-a-3-4lOct 18, 2010 · Turbo charger needs exhaust volume and velocity to spool quickly, have fast response and reach full boost quickly. Further down the exhaust stream the turbo is mounted, the longer it will take for the turbo spool, slower the turbo response will be and it will take longer to reach full boost thus creating more turbo lag.
Pro Turbo - turboahtimet
www.proturbo.fi/turbot/turbos.htmPro Turbolta löydät turboahtimia katu- ja kilpa-ajoneuvoihin, myös tractor pulling. Laajasta valikoimasta voi valita tehon ja käyttötarkoituksen mukaan sopivan ahtimen. Turboja voimme luettelon lisäksi tehdä muunlaisinakin versioina, luettelossa on …
T3T4 Turbo Kit | T3/T4 Turbo Chargers For Sale
t3t4turbo.comThe T3/T4 turbo is a hybrid. It uses the turbine from a T3 turbo and the compressor housing from a T4 turbo. This allows the turbo to spool up quickly, and run more boost, which gives you more power than a typical T3 turbo setup without the typical turbo lag that you see with T4 turbos.