2021 United States elections - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_United_States_electionsThe 2021 United States elections were held in large part on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. This off-year election included the regular gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia. In addition, state legislative elections were held for the New Jersey Legislature and Virginia House of Delegates (the lower house of the Virginia General Assembly), along with numerous state legislative special elec…
2021 Canadian federal election - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Canadian_federal_electionThe 2021 Canadian federal election was held on September 20, 2021, to elect members of the House of Commons to the 44th Canadian Parliament. The writs of election were issued by Governor General Mary Simon on August 15, 2021, when Prime Minister Justin Trudeau requested the dissolution of parliament for a snap election. Trudeau won a third term as prime minister, his second minority government. Though the Liberals were …