Health and social services – Liminka › en › health-and-social-servicesOutside office hours, please contact joint emergency duty service of the Oulu region tel. 116 117 Oulu University Hospital, Kajaanintie 50, Entrance A1 Call the above mentioned number before leaving to hospital. The call is answered by a nurse who gives instructions and assesses the need of emergency care. Appointments Health centre appointments
Emergency Services - City of Oulu - Oulun kaupunki › oulu › englishYou can come to the substance abuse emergency room without an appointment and without a referral. At other times, contact the Oulu Region Joint Emergency Service (Kajaanintie 50, entrance A1, tel. 116 117 / emergency assistance). Social and Crisis Emergency Service tel. +358 44 703 6235 (open 24/7) Emergency dental services
Contact information - PPSHP › en › Hospital-District116 117, health information and guidance Please call our health advice number before coming to the emergency unit. Health advice service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and the phone will be answered by a nurse who can offer advice and assess your medical condition and urgency of care.
116117 Päivystysapu
https://116117.fiPäivystysapu 116117 on hyvinvointialueesi järjestämä neuvontapalvelu, joka neuvoo äkillisissä terveysongelmissa. Soita Päivystysavun numeroon 116117 ennen ...
Emergency services › en › Emergency-servicestel. 116 117 (Medical Helpline) Visiting address Oulun yliopistollinen sairaala (Oulu University Hospital, OYS) Kajaanintie 50, entrance A1. Postal address Oulun seudun yhteispäivystys, PL 20, 90029 OYS. Invoicing and insurance issues Tel. 08 315 2031
116117 Päivystysapu
116117.fiPäivystysapu 116117 on hyvinvointialueesi järjestämä neuvontapalvelu, joka neuvoo äkillisissä terveysongelmissa. Soita Päivystysavun numeroon 116117 ennen päivystykseen hakeutumista. Päivystysavussa terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset kertovat, vaatiiko tilanteesi käynnin päivystyksessä.