100 Word Story
https://100wordstory.orgThe whole is a part and the part is a whole. The 100-word format forces the writer to question each word, to reckon with Flaubert’s mot juste in a way that even most flash fiction doesn’t.
Photo Prompt - 100 Word Story
https://100wordstory.org/photo-promptEach month, we post a photograph as a writing prompt. Post your 100-word story in the comments section, and we’ll choose one to feature in our next issue. To see examples, read photo stories we’ve published in the past. In the spirit of fun and fairness, please follow these guidelines: • Post only one story per photo prompt.
100 Word Story
https://100wordstory.orgThere was a window when one could grocery shop without a mask. There was a window after my mother stopped chemo when she felt better, gained a few pounds. The ...