CAI (Content Authenticity Initiative)
Content Credentials (Beta) on osa kasvavaa tekniikkaekosysteemiä, joka on saatavilla Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI)-hankkeen kautta.Adobe ja yli 700 CAI-jäsentämme ovat omistautuneet palauttamaan luottamuksen verkossa luomalla vakiomallisen tavan jakaa visuaalista sisältöä ilman, että tärkeitä kontekstitietoja menetetään.
Content Credentials › post › content-credentialsSep 01, 2022 · I've recently discovered the content credentials feature available on Adobe Photoshop, allowing me to attach my artist attribution information to the NFT images that will match my credentials on OpenSea. Content credentials provide further authenticity to my NFT pictures, increasing their value in the long term.
Guide: Content Credentials (Beta) – Behance Helpcenter › hc › en-usOct 21, 2021 · Content Credentials (Beta) is a developing feature that (when enabled) gathers the edits, activity, and attribution information associated with in-progress content. These details are captured as tamper-evident attribution and history data (called content credentials) that creators can attach to final content when exported.